No, Faking Your Name On Facebook Will Not Be A Felony

Kashmir Hill

In order to step up the prosecution of hackers and scary cybercriminals, the feds are changing a law to make unauthorized access to a computer system a felony rather than just a slap-on-the-wrist misdemeanor. That means making a change to something called the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Currently, that law includes criminal penalties for “exceeding authorized access” on a computer. The Justice Department has interpreted that to mean violating a website’s “terms of use” or breaking your work’s rules about how you use your computer. Yes, that law meant that checking your fantasy football scores at lunch or using a fake name on Facebook equaled criminal activity (the latter was one of the charges prosecutors levied at Lori Drew in the MySpace-suicide case).

Legal scholar Orin Kerr wrote an alarming op-ed in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, warning people that “faking your name on Facebook could be a felony” when the law is changed. But a lot changed since yesterday morning. An amendment was added to the bill during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday morning, so that people who violate website’s terms of service are not considered felons.

Senators Al Franken and Chuck Grassley proposed new language for the bill (thanks in part to Kerr’s urging) to exempt those guilty only of TOS violations. Franken, in urging his fellow senators to adopt the amendment, said that without it, the following people would be felons: “A father who uses his son’s Facebook password to log into his Facebook account to check his messages and photos” (ed. note: Creepy and invasive but not criminal); “a 17 year-old who claims she is 18 in order to sell her knitted scarves on Etsy,” and “a struggling businessowner who secretly creates a Yelp account to give his restaurants favorable reviews” (ed. note: Again, uncool and deceptive, but not felony behavior).

The Committee then added an amendment [pdf] to the bill that specifies that felony-level unauthorized access not “include access in violation of a contractual obligation or agreement, such as an acceptable use policy or terms of service agreement, with an Internet service provider, Internet website, or non-government employer, if such violation constitutes the sole basis for determining that access to a protected computer is unauthorized.” The bill will now move forward to be considered by the Senate.

So, no, you’re not in the Twilight Zone. You can fake your name on Facebook or your age on OkCupid without being charged with a felony.

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