Step 1. Understand the Problem

"I start from the supposition that we don't have to say too much about this because all we have to do is think about the state of the world today and realize that things are all upside down."
-- Howard Zinn
Before a disease can be cured, it first must be understood. Think about the state of the world today, take off the rose-colored glasses and the blinders of race and religion; use your common sense and really think about it. Is it right that I am sitting here typing away on a $500 laptop and sipping my coffee, while somewhere in the Sudan, a 3-week old infant (and a million more like her all over the world) just died from starvation? That's all she ever got; out of all the wonderful experiences and adventures that this world has to offer, all she ever got to do was suffer for 3 weeks and die.

We cannot allow fellow members of our species to continue suffering in this way. We cannot continue to lie back and accept the havoc that a few greedy individuals are wreaking on the human race, our animal friends, and on the precious planet that we all share. There are so many problems that need fixing: massive economic disparity, war, deforestation, a genetically modified food supply, racism, genocide, famine, factory farming & the animal cruelty it propagates, the starving, the sick, and above all, the competition and animosity between all our respective countries.

These problems all have one underlying cause and that is the existence of the global elite. They use their money to control the global economy and lobby governments into adopting policies that will benefit their multinational corporations; regardless of how negatively such policies will impact the populace. They have learned that fabricating war between nations is extremely profitable, after all they can sell weapons to both sides and double their profits! They have conditioned us to hate one another and created differences where there are none. They have kept us fighting each other for years in order to keep us from uniting against the true enemy, them.

Their influence is strong even in the more developed countries like America. They have poisoned Americans with artificial food, fluoridated water, prescription medications, and a myriad of other harmful chemicals in our food, water, and air. We are weak and disabled, infested with cancers, obesity, and most horrifying of all, ignorance. They keep us sick and stupid so that we continue to buy more of their food, pills, and other useless material goods. It's a vicious yet brilliant cycle. If we sit and do nothing they will continue to poison, manipulate, and subjugate; and one day we will be too weak and too ignorant to do anything about it.

If we can help our fellow members of the United Underclass to understand these simple truths, we will be so much closer to true, unfettered freedom. Think of all the money wasted on building nuclear and chemical weapons, all the money spent on useless research for medications that don't cure but only treat the symptoms of diseases (that they caused in the first place by pumping us full of artificial chemicals). Think of where we could be, where we can STILL be, if we took all those billions of dollars and used them to improve the life of every living being that suffers on this planet. Think of what we could accomplish, working together as one species, instead of squabbling amongst ourselves about who owns what and which border goes where. We cannot do as the Pharmaceutical industry does, treat only the symptoms while ignoring the cause. We MUST cure the disease. We must UNITE against this tyranny. We must ignore the the small issues that keep us divided and attack the real problem head-on. It is truly the only way.

Many of us are already awakened to the true nature of our world and our numbers are growing everyday. The best thing that we can do is help those numbers grow FASTER!!! Share the knowledge; spread the word; refrain from belittling others in your mission; instead, help them to understand. We are all in the same sinking boat. Are you going to stand around criticizing? Or are you going to help us bail? Make your choice. Sit and watch, or stand and fight.

Faithfully yours,

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