Parental rights threatened because of baby’s raw milk diet

State demands corn-syrup laden baby formula over natural goat's milk

BROOKLIN, ME — A mother is being harassed over the diet she is feeding her baby. This case is yet another of a long train of abuses perpetrated by power-drunk agencies with the ability to separate children from their natural parents, often for profit.

17-year-old mother Alorah Gellerson had difficulty getting her baby Carson to breastfeed. Instead of switching over to artificial baby formula, often comprised of up to 50% corn syrup solids, she decided to go the natural route. She began feeding Carson a mixture of goat’s milk and celery juice.

“Oh, he loved it,” Gellerson said. “We put celery juice in it, and he just loves that, and it worked really well with his body, and he grew like a weed.”

But no self-respecting busybody would allow a parent to make a decision without state-approval. Gellerson’s doctors reported her to the government. Soon she had the Department of Health and Human Services after her for not feeding store-bought formula to her child.

A social-worker “came in and threatened to take him away and put him in foster care until I complied to go to the doctor and get him seen,” said Gellerson.

Alorah Gellerson and baby Carson.

“DHHS said they had no one available to speak, instead directing reporters to websites for procedures they follow, like one from the USDA, which says goat milk is not recommended for infants because of inadequate quantities of certain vitamins,” reported WAFB.

Yet even after complying with DHHS, switching to store-bought formula, and exposing Carson to more doctors and even an overnight stay in a hospital, she still is being harassed and her parental rights threatened.

Regardless of what DHHS feels is “adequate” for feeding a baby, real life scenarios don’t always fit into their handbook. Some babies simply don’t respond well to formula, breast milk, or other alternatives. It is important that parental choice is preserved and flexibility is afforded to parents who need to make these difficult decisions.

Attendees of a rally in support of the Gellerson family.

It is unfair and oppressive for parental rights to be threatened over such personal decisions. It begs the question: Is there some greater motive in government agencies’ incessant attempts to take healthy children from loving parents?

As it turns out, there are monetary incentives that have been instituted at the federal level to encourage state agencies to turn out numbers of adoptions. The Safe Children and Families Act of 1997 placed rewards of thousands of dollars per head on children being taken from their natural parents and put into foster homes. Agencies like CPS and DHHS naturally bend to the corrupting influence of federal dollars, leading toward more numerous and less necessary child confiscations. Watch this brief video for more information.

“I hope this all goes away. It’s been so terrible and hard on us. We’re just trying to live our lives and they keep bothering us. I just want it to be all over,” Gellerson said.

The future of baby Carson remains uncertain, resting on the arbitrary decisions of federal bureaucrats.

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