Wave of reaction to the arrest of the "Elder pasticcio"

Severe reactions caused by the arrest of a 27 years old because they had Facebook page titled "Elder Pastitsio." The page was 27 years old and referred satirical father Paisios and the faithful who follow his teachings. The 27 year old was arrested following an interpellation of the Golden Dawn MP Christos Pappas and having found the traces of the Office of Electronic Crime.

Immediate reaction was political, but also at the social media response came on twitter, which created a 'movement' with hashtag # free geron pastitsios.

In its announcement of the Police stated: "From the Electronic Crime file formed Flagrant process against domestic 27 years old, who is accused of blasphemy and malicious kathyvrisi religions, through the known social networking sites Facebook.

"Specifically, the Electronic Crime spotted recently in the famous social networking site Facebook, with data page ( www.facebook.com / gerontas.pastitsios ), which contained blasphemies and insults against Elder Paisios and Orthodox Christianity. " The 27 year old was arrested at his home in Psachna Euboea, where the police found and confiscated a laptop. Formed against the file and will be directed to apologize to the prosecution.

Feature is that a few 24-hour MP Chr.Pappas Golden Dawn had tabled a question in Parliament arguing that "user abuse, mocks and tries to humiliate the sacred form of orthodox Elder Paisios."

The member of the Golden Dawn asked the ministers of Education and Public Order "if you take the necessary steps immediately, through the prosecuting cybercrime to directly remove that profile from the internet, or do you remain deaf and tolerate the shameful this Elder Paisios of ridicule. "

"It took fire 'to Twitter

In the Twitter hashtag # FreeGeronPastitsios, user feedback is very pointedly: "Now that the court strike, the chance to take the Inquisition cases", "What time is stoning in the Constitution?", "Non-Waiver of Notice kakourgimatiki act for the sake of the Golden Dawn. How far from the witch hunt? "," The neo-Nazis who called for the arrest of the creator of the satirical page freely advocate for euthanasia of disabled Internet ',' jealous Putin; @ primeminister »,« sleeping in Athens, wake up in Islamabad '.

Reactions parties

Strong were the reactions from Left parties which caused the arrest of 27 years old.

In its communication, the Committee on the Rights of SYRIZA-CCL notes that freedom of expression comes under attack from the extreme right theocracy.

"Today's arrest eikosieptachronou Evia on charges of blasphemy is a top act of violation of freedom of expression and even the veracity of that normally would have to protect a pupil. It is unacceptable to Greece in 2012 due to citizen arrested satirical commentary on a personal page on social networking medium, something that only happens in Iranian theocratic regime type.

"The troika interior not only flattens social rights and democratic freedoms. And it's really sad that this is done on minister Antonis Roupakiotis.

It should therefore be noted the obvious:

"First, the freedom of speech includes the satire as" disrespectful "and" offensive "and if you find some. Like, exactly, you can not ban the film about Muhammad, so he can not banish the page because "Blessed Pastitsio."

"Second, the very same judicial and police authorities condone the daily racist attacks, rushed to meet the request of Nazi Golden Dawn prosecuted page builder. In Greece in 2012, one can find in jail if he makes fun of bigotry, but not prosecuted anyone's website calls the annihilation of immigrants and the mentally ill.

"Third, fully vindicated by the recent installation of MCM-SYRIZA for immediate abolition of the anachronistic and undemocratic provision on blasphemy. Equally timely proves our position on State-Church separation. " Moreover, the MP of SYRIZA Peter Tatsopoulos stressed that the case of Father Paisios reminds Immortality Egaleo, but the state has not reacted to charlatanism.

The SYRIZA parliamentary spokesman Dimitris Papadimoulis expressed his desire to appear as a defense witness in the trial of 27 years old. As noted on Twitter: "When the law equates pedophilia with blasphemy is unjust." Also, he asked: "What does the Minister of Justice, Mr. Roupakiotis ischyousanomothesia for blasphemy and the arrest of 27 years old, why silent? Dimaratos This?"

H PASOK spokesman Fofi Gennimata said: «O observance of Christian and every other known religion is an essential element of a modern open society.
Another respect, however, and other criminal charges.

"The young man who was arrested could simply think that the act offends many of his fellows. But from this point, up to one 27 year old led the courts and with incredible speed, there is a gap.

"This gap can not be opened with the encouragement of the Golden Dawn. It can be closed through calm action of the State, and the Church, constantly fighting against fanaticism and intolerance. The protection of religious and national identity is not a criminal matter. Those that bother us when we are seeing in other countries, does not have to happen in Greece. "

The KPS adopted a communication which refers to "state ready to respond quickly to the requirements of the Golden Dawn" and characterizes the arrest "fundamentalist character, not peculiar to European democratic state, but a theocracy" and stresses that "challenge the freedom reasons, but also to all its citizens, as it is intolerant, medieval practices. "

The KPS believes that the blasphemy law should be repealed, while sounding the alarm about the phenomena obscurantism, religious fanaticism and intolerance, that multiply nowadays, whereas satire was born in ancient Athens.

Action in a statement said: "The Internet offers new possibilities to commit very serious offenses. Thousands of illegal transactions are done electronically, multifarious forms of fraud, threats to personal data of everyone, child pornography, and coordination to carry out crimes in the real world.

"It is, therefore, strong policing, to such offenses either prevented or sanctioned. But, man, money and other resources wasted on asteiotites, for the arrest of the manager of a satirical website on facebook.

"The Action believes that satire should not be criminalized. Even when satire stochopoiei religious sentiment should be left free. As an acute form of criticism is necessary for dialogue in any civilized society. Repression is profoundly undemocratic step and leads to a substantial reduction of individual liberties. "

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