10) The President goes waterskiing instead of waterboarding.
—Jill – Redding, Connecticut
9) Grand opening of the "Sandals Guantanamo Bay Beach Resort".
—James - South Orange, New Jersey
8) "Stress Positions" are only for Corporate CEOs, and the phrase "torture memo" refers only to long, painfully boring email sent by superiors.
—Janis - Sunland, California and Megan - Rohnert Park, California
7) "Enhanced interrogation techniques" now defined as ordinary techniques filmed in HD.
—Megan - Rohnert Park, California
6) The phrase "Extraordinary Rendition" now used to describe American Idol performances.
—Joseph - San Diego, California
5) Jack Bauer starts acting more like his brother, Eddie.
—Travis and Benjamin - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4) "Secret detention" means not telling your parents you had detention.
—James - South Orange, New Jersey
3) Calling Geneva Conventions "quaint" now seen as quaint.
—Megan - Rohnert Park, California
2) "I can finally stop wearing my 'Who Would Jesus Torture?' bracelet."
—Sarah – New York, New York
1) Superman no longer having to fight for truth, justice and the Canadian way.
—Edward - Los Angeles, California
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