
Here's a quote from a typical "pro-choice" website and a short piece about why I, and Haven/Bastion, are against them and all who follow them in the name of freedom: "If you're like me, you believe in a culture of freedom and responsibility. You believe that women have the intelligence and thoughtfulness to make decisions about their health with their families, their physicians, and their faith. You believe that government and politicians should not interfere in our personal lives – and that people should be empowered to make the right decisions for themselves."

Stop having faith in humanity! People do NOT have the intelligence and thoughtfulness to make decisions, not women, not men, not blondes, brunettes, tall, short, ugly, beautiful. If they did we wouldn't need government. A "culture of freedom and responsibility" sounds really nice, just like "pro-choice" but what you see is not what you get. When a woman makes a decision to have an abortion, it is often a different thing with a different word, murder, for her own convienience.

There are two ways that a person can be determined to be a human being (with all the rights that entails), and only one of them can be measured. The first is the existance of a soul. The second is the existance of a working brain. The human brain begins working around the end of the first tri-mester. To the best of our knowledge, this is when the fetus becomes a person and that is when they have all the rights that the mother has, no more, no less.

Certainly there are many arguments that can be made about how a heartbeat or breathing are also necessary or that the fetus is a parasite but they are null. Other operations of the human body can be faked, can be created mechanically, the working brain can not. The baby is still every bit as much a parasite after birth as it was before, drawing all it's sustinance from it's care-giver(s). These arguments as well as any of "viability" ignore the central point, that to kill that which we have reason to believe is alive, is wrong. It doesn't apply only to fetuses either, it also applies to cows, chickens, and bugs who haven't bitten us.

To the extent we ignore this point, we are not an evolving civilization but just another branch of the natural kingdom in which anything goes and might makes right. A conciencious person should eschew this perspective of naturalism in favor of one which leads them to be a better person and helps society repair it's ills. And the government exists PRIMARILY to protect those who cannot protect themselves. A fetus after the first tri-mester is a person by the only standard we can measure and it's RIGHTS are no more or less important than the mother's. To the extent that a pregnant woman cannot be known to be able to do so herself (is she biased? do you think?), the government has to set guidelines to be followed. Shall we allow citizens to murder each other if they think can show just cause after the fact?

When the fetus has an equal vote, then this is a matter of "choice". Until then, until people really can be shown to make proper decisions under their own steam, put noone elses life at stake for your perspective. Protect the innocent.


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