Vehicles need to have electronic monitoring until 2014 (Brazil)

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In cars, chip will be installed in windshield and will cost $ 5

The National Traffic Council published Friday in the Federal Official Gazette resolution establishing, throughout the national territory, the National System for Automatic Vehicle Identification (Siniav). The system consists of the radiofrequency identification of vehicles by means of electronic identification device installed in the vehicle, reading antennas, data processing centers and computer systems.

According to the schedule Siniav, the process of implementation of the system will have to be started compulsorily throughout the national territory, until the 1st of January 2013 and completed by June 30, 2014. The resolution points out that, over this period, no vehicle can travel without this device.

Studies indicate that the system will cost about $ 5, payable by the owner of the vehicle, and the intention of the National Traffic Department (Denatran) is being charged with licensing. In cars, the chip will be installed in windshield.

A spokesperson for the agency prepared a material to clarify the main news. Check out:


What is the Siniav?

The National System for Automatic Vehicle Identification (Siniav) was created for the prevention, monitoring and suppression of robbery and theft of vehicles and cargo.

How it works?

The Siniav consists of electronic vehicle identification plates installed in the vehicle, antennas, readers, setting Siniav equipment, computer systems and databases, national and local. It is based on radio frequency communication, through a standard communication protocol, confidential and secure property of the Union, given to entities duly licensed by signing confidentiality.

When and where did it start working?

The start is scheduled for January 2013 with the implementation of the module license plate. For the second half, authorities predict deploying identity module (incorporating antennas). The completion of the entire fleet license plate is for July 2014.

All states are required to implement the system?


What is the minimum structure for its operation: number of antennas, radars, central database?

This is still being raised.

Is there any forecast cost for its implementation by the government?


Where the transmitter will be installed in the car? Why this location?

The chip will be installed on the windscreen of passenger vehicles for easy identification but other vehicles such as motorcycles and trucks, may have the chip in different location.

What information are provided on the owner Siniav?

Are those that are visible and public (year, make, model, fuel, power, plate). Not listed Renavam, chassis and others. In no event may contain personal data of the owner. Additionally, you may also be used in toll collection by highway concessionaires, but only with the permission of the vehicle owner. The system is similar to the Easy Way - vehicles where the owner did not authorize automatic billing can not be identified for collection.

What are the uses of the system?

> Identification of traffic conditions on stretches of road where there Siniav antennas installed.

> Development of origin-destination matrices displacement vehicles, virtually in real time, with the installation of antennas Siniav at strategic points in each city.

> Determination dependable fleet circulating in the country, by location, including the Automobiles licensed in one municipality and exclusively circulating in another.

> Obtaining data for planning and management of public transport systems, including its fleet of vehicles.

> Integration with the project Siniav Brazil-ID (linked to treasury area), helping with mapping the displacements of cargo across the country.

> Greater control the movement of vehicles in the border area since the Brazilian vehicles will be identified when leaving the country. The system also enables the placement of the nameplate vehicle electronics in vehicles foreigners entering Brazil.

> Conducting surveillance (blitz) selective, with instant identification through an antenna Siniav, fixed or mobile, vehicles circulating illegally, whatever the cause.

> Surveillance electron speed and movement of vehicles in places and / or times when such service is prohibited.

> Interoperability in automatic toll collection on highways, allowing a single nameplate vehicle is used by all dealerships. It is up to Detrans deployment of electronic vehicle identification plates on vehicles and the cost of such equipment.

If the thief start the transmitter in a robbery, the radars can detect the vehicle?

Yes Like all vehicles possess the chip, which does not possess will be detected immediately by going through one of the antennas scattered throughout the country. The checkpoint nearest police will be alerted.

The transmitter will be installed at the time of licensing? How will this process?

The local Detrans define the schedule, with the deadline until June 30, 2014.

He will have an extra cost to the owner of the vehicle?

According to the National Department, studies indicate that the chip will cost about $ 5 charged to the vehicle owner. The intention of the Board is that the value is charged with licensing.

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