Confessions of a Pirate

Brett Elliott 

Radiohead's new album arrived (via download) a couple of weeks ago, for a small fee, which I happily paid. I like Radiohead. But perhaps even more exciting was the discovery that a band called the Robotanists had also downloaded it, loved, learnt and covered every song and uploaded their free version of the album within twenty four hours. I have made a CD incorporating both versions; Radiohead's song, then Robotanists cover, track by track, and I love it. I am hoping another band will cover the Robotanists' take without hearing the original, and then someone will cover theirs. What a fascinating game of musical Chinese whispers that would be.

Is all this illegal, you may ask? Has copyright been infringed? Are laws being broken? Are pirates running rampant? Yeah, probably, but who cares? I haven't seen or heard a response from Radiohead, but I'm guessing they'd be loving this. After all, it's fun, and they seem to be the type of people who would value fun musical shenanigans over copyright infringement any day.

A stance like that is almost unheard of these days. Copyright infringers are pirates, after all, and piracy killed the rock star, didn't it? Well didn't it?

I've been a pirate all my life. When I was tiny, in the seventies, my slightly older brother and I would use my mother's cheap, portable tape recorder to 'download' pop hits off the AM radio in the lounge room, often back announcing the song in our best Casey Kasem radio friendly accents. I recently unearthed one of these tapes and found the quality so distorted as to be unlistenable, but at the time, to our young ears it sounded magical. We ran our own two person pirate radio station. Did we affect Minnie Riperton or Manfred Mann's sales with our underground operation? Of course not. We had no money, and even if we did, we would have been straight down to the corner shop with it. Lollies were a cent each then!

Later, we also taped our friends' parents' albums, on the rare occasions when we found one that didn't make us laugh or cringe too much, and again, the only way sales were affected was much later, in a late teens buying frenzy, when I would see a copy of, say, Linda Ronstadt's 'Simple Dreams' or 'The Top Of The Poppers Sing and Play Gilbert O'Sullivan's Greatest Hits' for a dollar or two, and nostalgia would overtake me.

Actually, no, that wouldn't affect sales as the albums I found were pre-loved. There were second hand record shops everywhere when I was in my teens. But isn't that piracy? The artist, and more importantly the record companies made no money off those sales. Shouldn't the owners of those shops and their customers have been given impossibly large fines and possibly large jail sentences for piracy? Never mind that those purchases later inspired me to buy other Ronstadt CDs, and to track down the real O'Sullivan's greatest hits collection, thus eventually putting money in those artist's pockets. Let's not complicate matters. The law's the law, goddammit.

So let us also not get into all the TV shows and movies we taped when our family finally got around to embracing the VHS revolution. Luckily, a generation of copyright infringers somehow managed to avoid both lengthy prison terms and inadvertently bringing down the world's film industry. Whew.

At the height of my passion for music, I owned about a thousand slabs of vinyl, and a good percentage of those were eventually replaced by new, smaller, shinier silvery versions. I'd hate to add up what I've spent on sounds in the last twenty odd years. Of course many of my albums never made it to CD, or are now out of print, so if I download them illegally, am I stealing money from record companies who chose not to release them? Is that still piracy? And because songs are easy to steal, or share, depending on how you look at it, a kid may download ten songs just because they're there even though he had absolutely no intention of buying them. Is that still piracy?

I continue to be a music lover, and the type of stuff I like is not usually played on the radio. I often get tips from fellow freaks on some new artist I might like, but I'm not rich enough to run out and buy a CD on a tip alone. A few years ago, one such freak suggested a singer/songwriter named Gillian Welch. Her CDs were over thirty dollars each. I illegally downloaded a few of her songs and fell in love. Not only did I go out and buy everything she's released to date, I was also first in line when she toured here a few years ago. That would be over two hundred dollars and counting my illegal downloads have made Ms Welch.

But, I hear you ask, is that a fair representation of you nasty pirates? I would respond by asking you not to call me names, and to add yes, I think it is. The statistics back me up. Every year, the most downloaded track corresponds to the highest selling song, as do the most pirated movie and the highest box office taker. That doesn't exactly sound like piracy is hurting sales. And the way peer to peer sharing works means that you would be very unlikely to find an obscure, struggling artist to download. The higher the sales, the more likely you'll find it online.

I prefer the old fashioned way. Before recording studios, people played music for the sheer joy of it, and songs were shared and passed on.

Anyway, I'm off to put on my new Radiohead/pirate Robotanists CD and read a new novel that someone lent me.


Book pirate.

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