Teachers moan that new code of conduct will stop them getting drunk at weekends

But teachers have branded the code unnecessary intrusion into their private lives which could lead to staff being pulled up simply for letting their hair down on weekends.

    They also say the code contains other vague statements that are open to wide interpretation.

    Now the NASUWT union has launched a petition attacking the code, which has attracted more than 10,000 signatories over the summer holidays.

    It has also sent a poster to every state school in England urging staff to campaign for the code to be withdrawn.

    One teacher, who asked not to be named, said that pupils and staff sometimes socialised together, for example after sporting events.

    It was a 'grey area' whether consuming alcohol around children was setting a poor example and breaching the code.

    Meanwhile Brian Cookson, a geography teacher at the Friary School in Lichfield, Staffs said the code was 'practically demanding sainthood'.

    'Teachers are already subjected to enormous accountability. Which other profession would stand for this code on top of that?' he said.

    'It is an intrusive set of demands on people who have their own private lives to lead.

    'I don't believe it's the GTC's business to actually intrude in that way.'

    He insisted he would never advocate teachers getting drunk but added: 'I don't think it's acceptable that someone could report me for something they claim I did on a weekend.'

    A draft version of the code stated that teachers must 'maintain standards of behaviour both inside and outside school that are appropriate given their membership of an important and responsible profession'.

    However this was toned down following consultation.

    It now says staff must 'maintain reasonable standards in their own behaviour that enable them to...uphold public trust and confidence in the profession'.

    Meanwhile a late addition to the code states that it 'does not limit a teacher's right to a private life'.

    But Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT, said the union remained 'deeply concerned' about the content of the code.

    'It is riddled with vague statements which are open to wide interpretation and abuse, putting the careers and jobs of teachers and headteachers at risk,' she said.

    'It is unnecessarily long, littered with pious statements, conflicts with contractual provisions and intrudes into private lives.

    Teachers and headteachers must of course behave in a professional manner, but the code has unreasonable expectations about how they should conduct themselves.'

    Teachers can be reported to the council by members of the public, who have a right to make allegations of professional misconduct direct to the GTC, although they should first exhaust the school's complaints procedure.

    Meanwhile teachers dismissed for a breach of the code could be summoned to a GTC disciplinary hearing and struck off from the teaching register.

    The GTC insisted teachers would only fall foul of the code if their behaviour sank seriously below acceptable standards. It was not designed to catch teachers out for weekend drinking.

    The council had dealt with only two cases in its history of unacceptable behaviour outside school that was not deemed to constitute a criminal offence, a spokeswoman said.

    One involved a teacher appearing on a porn programme and the other had encouraged unsafe sex on a website.

    Keith Bartley, GTC chief executive, said: 'It is a well-established principle that individuals have a duty to uphold the reputation of their chosen profession.

    'We are absolutely explicit that the code does not in any way intrude into teachers' private lives.'

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    The NASUWT want to legalize sex with schoolgirls, that's their problem.

    They're absolutely the most vile teaching union in the world, they are too loathsome.

    So, standards, sa per the conventional, they simply don't do.