7-year-old suspended over stick-figure drawing

Complaint about image depicting 'water pistol' leads to disciplinary action

DENNIS TOWNSHIP, N.J. - A New Jersey second-grader's drawing of a stick figure shooting a gun has earned him a one-day school suspension.

Seven-year-old Kyle Walker's mom told an The Press newspaper of Atlantic City that her son was suspended for violating the district's zero-tolerance policy on guns. She said her son told her he'd drawn a water pistol.

Kyle gave the picture to another child on the school bus, and that child's parents complained about it to school officials.

The case is not the first in New Jersey in which students were suspended for depictions of weapons.

Four kindergarten boys were suspended in 2000 for playing cops and robbers, even though they were using their fingers as guns.

<This is, let's count 'em, 1, 2, 3, 4, *5* steps away from harming anyone. That doesn't even count the fact that punishing a 7 yr old under ANY circumstance where they didn't intend harm is dubious.>

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