Baby born with a full head of Elvis-style ginger hair

Every parent hopes their baby will attract admiring glances.

But adorable as she is, Katie-Lee Webster receives attention for only one reason - her spectacular shock of ginger hair.

At only ten weeks old she already has the flowing locks of a child several times her age.

Her mother, Stephanie Pleasance, said: "Most people when they see a baby say 'Isn't she cute?'. When people see her, they say "Look at her hair!'."

Katie-Lee's father, Danny Webster, added: "No one we've met has ever seen anything like it - we're forever being stopped in the street and asked, 'Is that a wig?'."

Indeed, some observers could draw comparisons with Russ Abbot's screen character C U Jimmy, whose ginger toupee is as outrageous as his behaviour.

Katie-Lee's hair is, of course, natural. Her father, a print worker, is a redhead so there is no mystery as to where she gets it from.

He and Katie-Lee's mother, of Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, were born almost completely bald, but their first child has had her extraordinary head of hair since day one.

It's now more than 3in long.

Having such a head start can lead to problems.

Shocked: Parents Steph Pleasance and Danny Webster with their ten-week-old daughter Katie-Lee Webster

Earlier this year Eden Lurie's hair was deemed too long and spiky when the four-month-old went to have her passport photo taken in Manchester.

Staff had to give her a virtual haircut on a computer so she did not fall foul of guidelines.




Anonymous said...

She's a awesome baby!
You should be very proud of her as i believe you are

Unknown said...

I think the baby´s REALLY cute!
She will be someone special when shes older :-)

Anonymous said...

She is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!! And I think she's one lucky little girl to have such beautiful head of hair. Congratulations, Mum & Dad, nice work! :-)

J (Encrypted Flash Drive Guy) said...

Your baby is going to be genius and extraordinary. I wish I would have one like yours.

USB Encryption said...

Your kid is cute in really a unique manner. Her hairs are going to be her style statement in future.