A quick self-Google once a day to guard your reputation

It used to be a clandestine act carried out at the computer when no one else was watching, but "self-Googling" - searching for your own name on the internet - has gained social acceptance, with academics and legal experts saying the practice is healthy and fast becoming indispensable.

American researcher Alexander Halavais last month urged all internet users to keep tabs on what was being posted about them on the net, saying it was a 21st-century form of brand management.

The comments sparked an instant fad in the US, with people who consulted search engines surprised to discover they were mentioned on websites ranging from sporting team homepages to business directories.

An Australian internet legal expert last week urged Australians to follow suit, saying it was important for people to keep track of their web presence and know what others were learning about them.

"It's becoming common and if you're not using it you're missing out," John Swinson of Mallesons Stephen Jaques said.

Professor Halavais, a communications professor at Buffalo University, attracted media attention with his call in April for universal self-Googling.

While Googling refers to a specific search engine - Google - it has taken on a popular generic meaning of searching the internet.

"Given that everyone from potential employers to potential mates is likely to be Googling you, you should have a good idea of what they will find," Professor Halavais said.

He said people who conducted searches on their names sometimes uncovered unpleasant surprises.

One university graduate was forced to remove online criticism he had made of a company when he landed a job with another firm with links to it.

In the past, net users have discovered their names on hate sites operated by former partners.

Mr Swinson said self-Googling was becoming more popular as the internet emerged as a way of screening potential love and business partners.

He said his company had recently unearthed an unsavoury side to a potential business partner using search engines and there were similar benefits for people seeking romance.

"If you are using an internet dating service to find your dates you may as well use the internet to find the dirt on the people you're dating," he said.

Mr Swinson said people who discovered they had been slandered on a website in Australia had a right to demand the material be removed.

"But if it's not defamation - breach of privacy or just something you find offensive - then the law in Australia is very uncertain there."

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